Honey Information

Not all honey is created equal, despite the fact that it all comes from bees. While most people are aware that honey is produced by bees, the process by which it is made and the source of the nectar collected by bees have a significant impact on the taste, texture, aroma, appearance, and even the health benefits of this delicious substance.

Bees primarily use flower nectar to create honey, although they also incorporate other plant saps and honeydew into the mix. As they collect the liquid, they add specialized enzymes that convert the nectar into different types of sugars. The resulting substance is then brought back to the hive, where the bees further evaporate water from the nectar with their wings and the hive's warm temperature, eventually resulting in a moisture content of less than 20%. Once this optimal moisture level is achieved, the bees seal the cell with a wax capping, producing a ripe honey that will never spoil or ferment.

In addition to glucose, fructose, and water, honey is also rich in nutrients such as at least 16 antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and other plant substances, including pollen. The bee also adds small amounts of other sugars, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and enzymes to the honey, contributing to the myriad of flavors and aromas that honey can possess. All of these factors make honey a delicious and nutritious food beloved by millions around the world.

"Raw Honey: Benefits, Taste, and Differences from Processed Honey

Raw honey, which is collected straight from the beehive and never heated to the point of pasteurization, offers a variety of benefits that set it apart from processed alternatives. Unlike commercial processed honey, raw honey has a thicker, more opaque consistency, and is available in both unfiltered and filtered options.

Since it is not heat-treated, raw honey retains its natural goodness, free from pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, or pollutants, making it a purer alternative to processed honey. In contrast, commercial processed honey undergoes heat treatment and filtration that may filter out valuable antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, including all pollen. As a result, processed honey may contain unwanted additives and sweeteners.

In addition to its unmatched purity, raw honey boasts a distinctive taste that comes from the unique nectar source used by the bees, making it a highly sought-after ingredient in cooking and baking. Its health benefits also make it a popular choice for use in natural remedies for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

To sum up, raw honey is a natural, nutrient-dense sweetener that offers unique taste and health benefits, while processed honey may contain additives and lack vital nutrients. At Make Stix, we offer a range of high-quality raw honey options that are pure, unprocessed, and perfect for your health and culinary needs."

Honey Texture: What it Means and How to Identify Raw Honey

Did you know that honey texture can reveal a lot about the honey's quality and processing? Heating honey beyond 105 degrees changes its consistency, which affects the texture of the honey crystals. While crystallization is a natural process, it can help identify whether honey is raw or not, although it's not always a foolproof method, as each varietal honey has a different crystal size.

Generally, honey with lower water content has a coarser crystal, while raw honey has a much finer crystal than the honey that has been heated, filtered, and pasteurized. However, texture can also vary depending on the floral source. For instance, clover honey tends to have a creamy consistency, while almond and dandelion honey are very coarse, owing to the difference in properties of the nectar source.

Honey Stix Taste: Understanding the Flavor Profile of Raw and Pasteurized Honey

Did you know that the taste of honey can be affected by how it's processed? Raw honey, straight from the hive, is often described as creamy and smooth, with a mild and pleasant taste that varies depending on the nectar source.

In contrast, pasteurized honey (also known as "burned honey") can have a smoky aftertaste, resulting from the high heat used during processing. The differences in taste and texture between raw and pasteurized honey are due to the loss of natural enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients during processing.

The flavor profile of honey can also vary depending on the nectar source, which determines the color, taste, and texture of the honey. Clover honey, for example, is known for its creamy texture, while almond and dandelion honey tend to be coarser.

Color is another important factor in determining honey taste. Raw honey can range in color from very dark to almost colorless, with variations depending on the floral source and age of the honey. Crystallization can also affect honey color, making it appear lighter when crystallized.

By understanding the flavor profile of different types of honey, you can choose the perfect honey for your needs, whether you're sweetening tea or baking a batch of cookies.

Honey Stix Color: What You Need to Know

The color of honey can vary widely depending on the floral source of the nectar that bees collect. Raw honey can range from almost colorless to very dark, and the color can be affected by age as well as the crystallization process. Lighter-colored honey tends to have a more delicate and mild flavor, while darker honey has a stronger, more robust taste.

As honey ages, it generally becomes darker in color. When honey crystallizes, it can appear lighter in color, though this can vary depending on the specific honey variety.

It's worth noting that the color of honey is just one aspect of its flavor profile. The taste and aroma of honey can also be influenced by factors such as the climate and soil conditions in which the flowers were grown, as well as the specific methods used in honey production.

Overall, the color of honey can offer some clues about its flavor and characteristics, but it's just one of many factors to consider when choosing honey for your sweetening needs.

Honey is not only delicious, but it also has numerous potential health benefits, making it a popular natural remedy.

Here are some of the potential health benefits of honey:

  • Increases calcium absorption, which can help to maintain strong bones and teeth.
  • Can increase hemoglobin count and treat or prevent anemia caused by nutritional factors, as it contains iron and copper.
  • When combined with vinegar, can help relieve arthritic joints and reduce inflammation.
  • Fights colds and respiratory infections of all kinds due to its antibacterial properties, soothing sore throats and relieving coughs.
  • When used externally, it can speed up the healing process of wounds, burns and cuts due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Can help to boost gastrointestinal ulcer healing due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Works as a natural and gentle laxative, helping to relieve constipation and improve digestion.
  • Provides an array of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, and iron.
  • Supplies instant energy without the insulin surge caused by white sugar, making it a healthier option for those with diabetes or those looking to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

It's important to note that the health benefits of honey may vary depending on the quality and type of honey, as well as an individual's overall diet and health status. As with any natural remedy, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using honey for medicinal purposes.

Pasteurized Commercial Honey: Pros and Cons


✔️ More visually appealing to some consumers, as the honey is heated and filtered to remove pollen, crystals, and other impurities.

✔️ Easier to use, as the honey is heated to retard granulation and sugaring, keeping it liquid longer.

✔️ Longer shelf life, as the pasteurization process kills yeast and other microorganisms that can cause fermentation.


❌ Most of the health benefits of honey have been nullified as a result of the pasteurization and filtration process, as many of the enzymes, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds are destroyed or removed.

❌ The yeast is killed in the pasteurization process, which can affect the flavor and aroma of the honey.

❌ The aroma and taste of pasteurized honey can be altered due to the high heat used in the pasteurization process.

❌ Large, crunchy crystals may be present in pasteurized honey, as the heating process dissolves the finer starter crystals that are present in raw honey. This can negatively impact the texture and overall quality of the honey.

Overall, while pasteurized honey may have some benefits for certain consumers, such as longer shelf life and easier use, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and the impact on the health benefits and taste of the honey.

How to Store Honey Stix

Storing honey stix properly can help maintain their quality and extend their shelf life. Follow these tips for storing honey stix:

  • Store honey stix at room temperature: Honey stix are best stored at room temperature in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or kitchen counter. Avoid exposing honey stix to direct sunlight, as this can cause them to deteriorate.
  • Keep honey stix in a sealed container: Honey stix should be stored in airtight containers to prevent them from absorbing moisture, which can cause them to spoil. Make sure the container is tightly sealed to keep air and moisture out.
  • Avoid refrigerating honey stix: Refrigerating honey stix can accelerate crystallization, which can change the texture and taste of the honey. Instead, store them at room temperature.
  • Be mindful of the shelf life: Honey Stix can remain stable for decades, but they tend to darken and lose their aroma and flavor over time. For practical purposes, a shelf life of two years is often recommended. Check the expiration date on the packaging and use honey stix before they expire.
  • Revive crystallized honey Stix: Honey stix may crystallize over time, especially if they have been stored for a long time or in cooler temperatures. To restore the honey to its liquid state, place the sealed container in a bowl of warm water and stir until the crystals dissolve.

    How Long Do Honey Stix Last?

    Honey stix have an incredibly long shelf life if stored properly. As a natural preservative, honey can last indefinitely if stored in a sealed container and kept away from moisture. Moisture can contaminate the honey and cause it to spoil, giving it a sour taste.

    While honey may crystallize over time, this does not mean it has gone bad. In fact, crystallization is a natural process that occurs when glucose in the honey precipitates out of the solution and forms crystals. This process is temperature-dependent, and storing honey in the refrigerator can accelerate it. If your honey crystallizes, simply place the honey jar in warm water and stir until the crystals dissolve.

    The "best by" date on honey stix is usually a conservative estimate, and the honey can often be used long after that date. As long as it's stored at room temperature and away from moisture, it will remain safe to consume. However, the taste, texture, and color of the honey may change over time, so it's best to use it within a reasonable timeframe to ensure the best quality.

    Honey Stix Crystallization

    Over time, honey can naturally crystallize and solidify. This is a common occurrence and doesn't mean the honey has gone bad. Crystallization happens when glucose and fructose molecules in honey separate and bond together, forming small crystals.

    To de-crystallize honey, follow these steps:

    1. Boil water in a tea kettle.
    2. Place your honey stix in a large glass container and pour the hot water into the container.
    3. Let the container of honey soak for several minutes, or until it has softened and liquified.
    4. Use more hot water if the honey has not softened after several minutes.

    Alternatively, you can place the honey stix in a warm location, such as a sunny windowsill or near a radiator, to help soften the honey.

    To prevent crystallization, store honey in an airtight container in a cool, dry location. Avoid refrigerating honey, as this can speed up the process of crystallization. If your honey does crystallize, it can still be consumed in its solid form. Some people even prefer crystallized honey for its richer flavor and easier-to-spread texture.

    Cooking with Honey - Tips for Baking and More

    Honey is a versatile and popular alternative sweetener in the food industry, thanks to its natural sweetness and delicious taste. Whether you're using it in baked goods or as a natural sweetener in tea or smoothies, here are some tips to help you get the best results:

    • Choose the right type of honey: Lighter honeys have a milder flavor and are ideal for baked goods, while darker honeys have a more robust flavor and are better suited for savory dishes.
    • Use less honey: Honey can be up to twice as sweet as sugar, so use less than the amount of sugar recommended in your recipe. A good rule of thumb is to replace one cup of sugar with half a cup of honey.
    • Beat honey longer: When using honey in recipes, you'll need to beat it longer and more vigorously compared to sugar recipes.
    • Consider acidity: Honey has acidity that can affect the rising of cakes and pastries. To neutralize this, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda for each cup of honey used.
    • Balance moisture: Baking with honey requires balancing the overall moisture of your recipe. Decrease the measurements of other liquid ingredients, such as milk and water, to offset the moisturization of your baked goods. This ensures the texture and moisture of your baked goods are just right.
    • Reduce heat: Honey recipes tend to brown faster than sugar recipes, so reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees F.
    • Increase heat: When making jams, jellies, or candies with honey, increase the cooking temperature slightly to allow the extra liquid to evaporate.
    • Taste first: The flavor of honey can vary based on the variety, so taste it first before using it in your recipe. Choose a flavor that enhances your recipe.
    • Measure carefully: A 12oz. jar of honey equals one cup of honey. Coat your measuring cup or spoon with non-stick cooking spray before adding the honey, so it will slip right out.
    • Decrease baking time: When baking with honey, decrease the baking time for your recipes. Honey cooks faster than sugar, and overcooking it could cause it to burn and create a hard, crunchy texture.

      In addition to baking, honey can also be used as a substitute for sugar in a wide range of recipes, including marinades, salad dressings, and glazes for roasted meats and vegetables. When using honey in a marinade, it can help to tenderize meats and add a subtle sweetness. When measuring honey for cooking, it's helpful to coat the measuring cup or spoon with a non-stick cooking spray to prevent the honey from sticking and ensure an accurate measurement. By following these tips, you can use honey as a sweet and delicious alternative to sugar in your recipes.